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10 Decades in 10 Months of Evergreen Goodwill: 1980s

POSTED December 21, 2023 IN: Community

10 Decades In 10 Months Of Evergreen Goodwill 1980s

The 1980s were an electrifying time, not only because of the vibrant fashion and music but also because of the revolutionary rise of the personal computer. As firms like Microsoft transformed Seattle into a center of global innovation, Evergreen Goodwill recognized the significant need for computer skills to compete for modern office jobs. In response, we launched our Adult Basic Education (ABE) and computer training classes that empowered individuals with the knowledge and tools needed to thrive in the ever-changing job market.

During this era, Evergreen Goodwill also recognized the environmental challenges posed by the rapid advancement of technology. In 1986, we took the lead in combating electronic waste (eWaste) by introducing our electronics recycling program. We began accepting donations of VCRs, cameras, and calculators, which started our journey towards responsible eWaste disposal.

  • Evergreen Goodwill 1980s

Decades have passed, but our commitment to community and sustainability remain constant. Today, upwards of 15% of all eWaste in the state of Washington is collected and recycled by Evergreen Goodwill. Our ABE and computer training classes continue to enrich the lives of individuals and their communities. Stay tuned as we continue our journey through the decades!

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